Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Power of the Pentatonic

It's amazing what you can do with 5 little notes.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

40 Journalling Questions for Lent

40 Questions for Lent

“Lent is the shadow the Cross makes on the world in the light of the Resurrection”. Traditionally Lent is a time for reflection and commitment. These questions are designed to be used as springboards for your personal journaling. Attempt to write an answer to one question a day and also try to write a prayer a day as a response to your own journaling (you get Sundays off). If you feel a question does not apply to you or you are unwilling or unable to answer it, journal about why this is so.

Wed Feb 17th 1. How would you describe your current relationship with God?
Thurs 2. What activities help you connect with God?
Fri 3. Where are you encountering joy in your life at the moment?
Sat 4. What gives you delight and how is God in that experience?

Mon Feb 22nd 5. Describe a time you felt especially close to God.
Tues. 6. Describe a time you felt especially far from God.
Wed. 7. How does God delight in you?
Thurs. 8. What does God say when He looks at you?
Fri. 9. What emotions arise when you think about God? Why?
Sat 10. What has shaped your image of God?

Mon Mar 1st 11. What strengths do you have?
Tues 12. How are you unique?
Wed. 13. What are you afraid of?
Thurs. 14. What do you dislike about yourself?
Fri. 15. What do you like about yourself?
Sat. 16. Write about one aspect of yourself you would like to change.

Mon Mar 8th 17. What was one great thing about growing up in your family?
Tues. 18. What was one frustrating thing about growing up in your family?
Wed 19. How are you like your parents?
Thurs. 20. How are you different from your parents?
Fri. 21. How have your parents influenced your perception of God?
Sat. 22. What are your favorite memories of your childhood?

Mon March 15th 23. What are you angry with God about at the moment?
Tues. 24. How do you feel God has let you down?
Wed. 25. Where do you need to experience God at the moment?
Thurs. 26. What kind of person feels ‘unsafe’ to you?
Fri. 27. How do you react when you feel threatened?
Sat. 28. How does God feel ‘unsafe’ to you?

Mon March 22nd 29. What is your favorite bible verse and why?
Tues. 30. Are there any parts of the bible you wish weren’t there? Why?
Wed. 31. What is your favorite bible story and why?
Thurs. 32. What lies do you tell yourself?
Fri. 33. What do you want people to say about you when you die?
Sat. 34. What has been your biggest struggle and how have you encountered God through it?

Mon March 29th 35. What image comes to mind when you think of God?
Tues. 36. How has God used you recently?
Wed. 37. How has God shown His love for you during this season?
Thurs. 38. What is God trying to say to you at the moment?
Fri. 39. Which question was the hardest to answer honestly?
Sat. 40. How have you changed/grown through answering these questions?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Remembering Lyrics

Last Sunday the Chancel choir sang two anthems in worship. The second one was 'The Mind of Christ' by Mark Hayes. This is a setting of Philippians 2:5-11, the text that is often referred to as 'The Kenosis Hymn'

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
and became obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.

Scholars are divided about whether this passage of scripture was written by Paul or not. Some believe Paul wrote this section in poetic form, whereas others believe Paul was quoting a contemporary hymn of the time. Some scholars paint the image of Paul in prison reflecting on these lyrics as a way of coping with being in chains for the gospel.

Lyrics are powerful. I think of many times in my own life where a fragment of an old Hymn comes to my mind and seems to just what I need to remember to help me cope with whatever life is throwing at me.

One hymn that I often reflect on is My Song is Love Unknown, a simple retelling of the heart of the Gospel story. Another is Crown Him with Many Crowns

What Hymns have been sources of strength and inspiration for you? Please post a comment and share them with us.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Escalator music

I just love creative ideas like this. Thanks to Pat Whitnel for sharing.
